lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

Illegal downloads

This shows the news of massive illegal file downloads in UK. Researchers told the consumer attitudes are very harmful for copyrights look.
The problem is there's uncertainty about what is or is not illegal, and the fact that the internet is free.
I think that free access to any file in the Internet page and is only possitive in some aspects, but is very dangerous when your personal life its highly exposed

domingo, 28 de junio de 2009

The coup in Honduras

After what happened in Honduras, I think that Chile should strongly reject the coup d'etat against the constitutional government of the Republic of Honduras and the abduction of President Manuel Zelaya.

This fascists type of action are not new in Latin America, in fact the intentions behind each military coup are well known(the majority of military coup processes in Latin America had their origin in the U.S.) and therefore the defense of democratic processes in our continent it is an imperative. Our government should act under the UNASUR and to demand the immediate return of President Zelaya. Likewise, they should express strong support for maintaining the "estado de Derecho" and respect for democratic institutions in this country to prevent coup actions in countries of the continent in the future. Actions that put into question the current U.S. government that presides Barak Obama.

viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

Thai affeminate priests

The BBC news say that Thai autorities responding to charges of effeminate behavior of priests. Reason by it is forbidden to use makeup and tight robes. This situation is very peculiar because Tailandia has a culture very tolerant to homosexuality.

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

Peru water shortages

This new tell us about the high consecuences that the climatics changes will bring to Peru. The risk situation that has this country is severe because of their geographic, demographic, social and economics conditions are very hostile for the climate change.
Peru has the 70 percent of tropical glaciers of the world, reason why their melting will affect the future water supply in the population, in addition it also will affect the global climatic system. By the other hand, nowadays Peru suffers rivers pollution because of the mining operations in the Andes mountain, and also it suffers droughts and inundations associated to El Niño phenomenon. Moreover the majority of the population live in coast of Peru, reason why the inundations their will affect directly. Besides this, in Peru the majority of populations living under poverty conditions, have a little access to water and pay up to ten times more for water than middle and high class, which reveals a strongly social injustice in the costs of climate change

martes, 23 de junio de 2009


Venezuelan leader wins key reform

I listened a news of 16th february 2009, that talking about the reelection of Hugo Chávez like president for the 2012. This fact confirmed the great support to revolution socialist led by Hugo Chávez (95% of the votes of support), wich is very good.

Somali pirates strike again

This news talking about of the pirace problem in Somalía. Despite of the international effort to thwart the problema, piracy will continue because the financial rewards for a successful is very great. Deets are very complicated because the situation in Somalía is of humanitarian catastrofy and the piracy could be origin for the absence of a navy to protect its territorial waters, wich fishing around the world took advantage of the power vacuum there to fish. Somehow the start of the piracy explained for they want collect the dividens that they did not recive Somalía.

Disappearing languages

It is worrying that some legendary languages in the world are disappearing. The lost of Alaska's native speaker of Eyak means the loss of cultures that are of great value, and therefore need to be preserved.