martes, 23 de junio de 2009


Venezuelan leader wins key reform

I listened a news of 16th february 2009, that talking about the reelection of Hugo Chávez like president for the 2012. This fact confirmed the great support to revolution socialist led by Hugo Chávez (95% of the votes of support), wich is very good.

Somali pirates strike again

This news talking about of the pirace problem in Somalía. Despite of the international effort to thwart the problema, piracy will continue because the financial rewards for a successful is very great. Deets are very complicated because the situation in Somalía is of humanitarian catastrofy and the piracy could be origin for the absence of a navy to protect its territorial waters, wich fishing around the world took advantage of the power vacuum there to fish. Somehow the start of the piracy explained for they want collect the dividens that they did not recive Somalía.

Disappearing languages

It is worrying that some legendary languages in the world are disappearing. The lost of Alaska's native speaker of Eyak means the loss of cultures that are of great value, and therefore need to be preserved.

1 comentario:

  1. I believe in the need to protect endangered languages.

    However, although there are at least 7,000 languages throughout the World, an increasing number are endangered through the linguistic imperialism of both Mandarin Chinese and English.

    Interestingly the following declaration was made in favour of Esperanto, by UNESCO at its Paris HQ in December 2008.

    The commitment to the campaign to save endangered and disappearing languages was made, by the World Esperanto Association at the United Nations' Geneva HQ in September. or
