lunes, 29 de junio de 2009

Illegal downloads

This shows the news of massive illegal file downloads in UK. Researchers told the consumer attitudes are very harmful for copyrights look.
The problem is there's uncertainty about what is or is not illegal, and the fact that the internet is free.
I think that free access to any file in the Internet page and is only possitive in some aspects, but is very dangerous when your personal life its highly exposed

domingo, 28 de junio de 2009

The coup in Honduras

After what happened in Honduras, I think that Chile should strongly reject the coup d'etat against the constitutional government of the Republic of Honduras and the abduction of President Manuel Zelaya.

This fascists type of action are not new in Latin America, in fact the intentions behind each military coup are well known(the majority of military coup processes in Latin America had their origin in the U.S.) and therefore the defense of democratic processes in our continent it is an imperative. Our government should act under the UNASUR and to demand the immediate return of President Zelaya. Likewise, they should express strong support for maintaining the "estado de Derecho" and respect for democratic institutions in this country to prevent coup actions in countries of the continent in the future. Actions that put into question the current U.S. government that presides Barak Obama.

viernes, 26 de junio de 2009

Thai affeminate priests

The BBC news say that Thai autorities responding to charges of effeminate behavior of priests. Reason by it is forbidden to use makeup and tight robes. This situation is very peculiar because Tailandia has a culture very tolerant to homosexuality.

miércoles, 24 de junio de 2009

Peru water shortages

This new tell us about the high consecuences that the climatics changes will bring to Peru. The risk situation that has this country is severe because of their geographic, demographic, social and economics conditions are very hostile for the climate change.
Peru has the 70 percent of tropical glaciers of the world, reason why their melting will affect the future water supply in the population, in addition it also will affect the global climatic system. By the other hand, nowadays Peru suffers rivers pollution because of the mining operations in the Andes mountain, and also it suffers droughts and inundations associated to El Niño phenomenon. Moreover the majority of the population live in coast of Peru, reason why the inundations their will affect directly. Besides this, in Peru the majority of populations living under poverty conditions, have a little access to water and pay up to ten times more for water than middle and high class, which reveals a strongly social injustice in the costs of climate change

martes, 23 de junio de 2009


Venezuelan leader wins key reform

I listened a news of 16th february 2009, that talking about the reelection of Hugo Chávez like president for the 2012. This fact confirmed the great support to revolution socialist led by Hugo Chávez (95% of the votes of support), wich is very good.

Somali pirates strike again

This news talking about of the pirace problem in Somalía. Despite of the international effort to thwart the problema, piracy will continue because the financial rewards for a successful is very great. Deets are very complicated because the situation in Somalía is of humanitarian catastrofy and the piracy could be origin for the absence of a navy to protect its territorial waters, wich fishing around the world took advantage of the power vacuum there to fish. Somehow the start of the piracy explained for they want collect the dividens that they did not recive Somalía.

Disappearing languages

It is worrying that some legendary languages in the world are disappearing. The lost of Alaska's native speaker of Eyak means the loss of cultures that are of great value, and therefore need to be preserved.

lunes, 25 de mayo de 2009

If I could have any animal as a pet, I think we would choose the horse. I love these magnificent animals are elegant and beautiful, I like his hair and his muscles, I think they are very communicative and loyal, at least I had good proximity to them. I would love to have a horse and clean it up and brush it every day, could also go anywhere with him, even to galloping to university, jajaja. It would be nothing wrong, although in this city would be crazy.

My fauvorite artist

In general I like art, I think all artists have something special and why certain things to value. however, the two artists that I admire most are the Chilean Roberto Matta and Autrian Gustav Klimt.

Matta was a participant and innovator of surrealism and was a crucial figure in the group of absstract expressionist artists of the 40s.
Matta had much influence in his work of artists like Picasso and Dali. I really like his drawings and paintings that incorporate elements such as humor, eroticism, reflection and thought.
Furthermore, the Austrian Klimt have beautiful and unique works, they seem to express a key intimate. I really like his paintings, one of the best known is "The Kiss", where the portrait of a woman and a man kissing, however, in almost all its works, the woman is the catalyst of the symbolism of Klimt, the image of life and death.
this picture is very very beautiful

lunes, 18 de mayo de 2009

Volunteer work, Putaendo 2009

Last February a group of students from the Universidad de Chile went to the commune Putaendo for volunteer work that the Federation (FECH) was organized there. Were established several areas of community work such as building a head office, legal aid, health brigades, launched a community radio station, work with children in a summer school and trained neighbor.
In this picture are my friends and I represented in cartoons of plasticine,
Guess who I am !!
In the other picture you can see to me working with a closed machine, cutting tables, it was very funny and very exhausting because in addition we also worked under the sun.
I must say it was a great experience because it helps to know students from other faculties of the University, helps you discover the reality of other communities and helps to strengthen cooperative relationships and your level of organization. Really enjoyed it very well and I have many beautiful memories of these volunteer

miércoles, 29 de abril de 2009

Caldera Field-trip

Last week we went with the course of Integrated direction of coastal zones to the Caldera Commune. The trips were very very long and due to it we had a few days to do our investigation. Nevertheless we manage to do interesting things, beside visiting Copiapó for an interview that maida, pauli and I we had in the conama, we mount very much in bicycle for the north coast of the commune. This was a nice trip, we knew the sanctuary of the nature “stones oblicular”, we knew uninhabited beaches, were in the humedal who is in the river mouth of the ex-river Copiapo, which is dry now and bathed of the solitary beaches of the north.
For many years i wanted to know English bay and in this trip I had the opportunity to do it, indeed it´s beautiful, english bay is a beach with water color turquoise and white sands, though is evident that the people who visits the place are a people with silver.
Besides the turistic aspect, the work was very interesting, my group studied the biodiversity of the zone. Its supouse that the Atacama Region possesses 980 endemic species, of which 26 are in conditions of danger and 46 are vulnerable. In the area we can saw that besides the sceareof flora and fauna, the region suffers serious water problems due to the overexploitation of the hydrographic basin of the river copiapo on the part of the miners who there exist. I hope that our work manages to come beyond and let's elaborate a good offer for the Caldera commune.

martes, 14 de abril de 2009


This photo of me was taken in 2000 or 2001 (I dont remember when) on my neighborhood and took my friend Paulina. Although it doesn´t look like me, I am the child dressed of "huaso" of the way, and to my left side there are my sister javiera dressed of intelectual of saloon and to my right side my friend loreto dressed of the typical chilean "flayte".

I like very much this foto because remember me when we are a childrens and we were playing to disguising with the clothes of our parents. This day we go out to streets dressed of men to bother the girls who were walking. That day we laughed very much, I remember it with great happiness. Also, we start acting with our prominent figures and it were it very nice.

I hope you like my foto.

domingo, 12 de abril de 2009

CHILEAN PATAGONIA. Coyhaique and General Carrera Lake

One of the places that more please me of Chili is the Patagonia’s zone; I believe that it is one of the most magic places in the planet, with native forests, lakes and Torrents Rivers.
During the summer I had the opportunity to know the most important city of the Chilean central Patagonia and the second biggest lake of South America; Coyhaique and the General Carrera Lake respectively.

Coyhaique is located in the oriental slope of the Mountain chain of the Andes, where the rivers Simpson and Coyhaique converge, probably the most impressive of this city is the morphology, with abrupt and alternated landscapes product of the intense glacial activity.
Coyhaique's city besides being a very beautiful place is a point of item of maritime cruises towards the San Rafael Lagoon, one of the most important parks in the region where the field totality of Ice is the north side, one of the glaciers of major size in the world.

On the other hand I had the opportunity to visit the General Carrera Lake that you can find to 500 km approximately of Coyhaique and is the biggest lake of Chile, it measures 200km of length and it has a beautiful celestial color. From this lake it is possible to see the summits of the San Valentín Mount and the The St Lawrence Mount, covers of glaciers and if you take a boat, you can visit an impressive marble cavern, carved for the action of the water during million of years. In addition the contrast vegetation and steep topography make it very attractive.

It is important to emphasize that the General Carrera Lake Bertrand drains off into the Lake, from where born the Baker River, the mightiest of Chile, which flows for 200 kms. Towards the southwest to go out finally to the sea. Nowadays The Bertrand Lake and the Baker River are considered a Tourist National Interest Zone (ZOIT) and nevertheless, actually they are endangered due to the fact that thanks to the Hidroaysén Project these rivers will be repressed stopping besides being attractions for the tourism, a great impact for the ecosystems of the region.

martes, 31 de marzo de 2009

My favourite english song in this moment is Nantes by Mexican singer Zach Condon, the vocalist of the Beirut group. This songs is very beautifull and it has a mixture of happiness and sadness, this track was film in Nantes, a france city, and was improvised. Of fact his first official video was for the song “elephant gun”, one year latter.

I like Nantes song because despite of being very handcrafted, it is a song of many musical quality, in general in his tracks is possible listened the trumpet, organ, accordion, piano, ukelele, mandolin, glockenspiel, violin, cello, tambourine, etc. Besides I like the Nantes song because it makes me remember my infancy although i dont know why. The first time when i Heard it song was one year ago when a good friend show me this group.

Beirut combines elements and sounds of the music folk and, specially, of the from one the East Europe and Mexico. This because Zach Condon in his tour along Europe was left to influence for the Balkan music, specially for Boban Markovi's orchestra.


Well it's been a long time, long time now
Since I've seen you smile
And I'll gamble away my fright
And I'll gamble away my time
And in a year, a year or so,
This will slip into the seaBut it's been a long time,long time now
Since I've seen you smile
Nobody raise your voices
Just another night in Nantes
Nobody raise your voices
Just another night in NantesWell it's been a long time, long time now
Since I've seen you smile
And I'll gamble away my fright
And I'll gamble away my time
And in a year, a year or so,
This will slip into the sea
But it's been a long time, long time now
Since I've seen you smile

martes, 24 de marzo de 2009


This week have beeing terrible, I must to do many things and I have a few hours to get relax and sleep. classes and classes, meetings and meetings, jobs and jobs. But this is not important, the most important thing is that I belive that I am doing it in the right way for me and for the others. People that belive in the changes know that their work have to multiply for one hundred, and they haven´t give up their friends, family, studyies, work and compainers, but never to give up time for love.

Regards to all self-sacrificing and altruistic those like I do

martes, 17 de marzo de 2009

This blog was created because my "dear" teacher to decided, just when i dont understand anything of this thinks

Well... I hope that this space could be use to my free time and for the placer of my friends, for show our exelent talent for the english and have a good notes (this is a mesagge for Simon H).